
eBill - terms of use

By activating the service of receiving your One bills exclusively through digital means, you opt to receive bills without a paper version. This service is available to all natural person customers with individual contracts. In the case of ownership transfer, the service status is not transferred, and the new number owner is to reactivate the eBill upon request again, unless otherwise defined in the contract.

The inability to access the My One app or personal computer, i.e., the digital version of the One bill, if it has also been delivered to the specified email address, does not postpone the obligation to pay the bill by the due date.

Deactivating the service of receiving electronict bills is possible in the same month in which the activation was executed. Within one month, it is possible to disable the paper bill once and enable it once. All changes made starting with midnight on the last day of the month apply to the following month.